I Believe…

Posted by on Apr 20, 2010 | 1 comment

I Believe…

… autism has turned out to be quite a good thing for our family.

… my children are constant reminders that I should never assume anything.

… going to playgrounds with my children is much more fun now than it was when I was just babysitting kids in high school.

… Target is the greatest store ever.  Ever.  Really.

… shopping Target clearance is as fun as anything else I could find to do with some free time.

… chocolate covered pretzel goldfish crackers are amazing.  Especially when I get them on clearance at Target.

… scrapbooking is a lot more exciting in theory.

… all natural candy is so wonderful my kids will never believe they’ve been deprived by not having the other stuff.

… someday my kids will experiment with non-natural candy and foods, and they’ll see why I’ve tried to keep them natural.  (I also believe they’ll make wise choices after that, but I could be very, very wrong.)

…my children were each sent to me for a different purpose:  Kieran, to be my mama’s boy;  Lennon, to teach me patience as he defies gravity in some way or another; and Jack, to help me realize that I have more strenth and compassion and love and humility than I ever thought possible.

… laughter is the greatest gift you can give your children after your undying and unconditional love.

… it’s probably a good thing they only make those chocolate covered pretzel goldfish at Christmas.


Did you know you can find some awesome all-natural candies on Amazon?  Check out the AIT Amazon store on this site – I’ve put them all conveniently in one place!!

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